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The VH Brass and Copper Restorer
The Victorian House Brass and Copper Restorer. Rinse Tarnish away Safely at the kitchen sink.
Now for the first time ever clean brass, copper, bronze and pewter without removing the metal.
- no harsh chemicals
- no odor
- no black mess
- non toxic and safe to use right at the kitchen sink.
Never use a paste or cream again. Leaves no residue in the intricate crevices. Try it once and you will never go back to the messy abrasive cleaner. Invented for antiques and used in museums.
- Clean odor free liquid..put it on with #0000 steel wool the tarnish dissolves like magic.
- Rinse with warm water right at the kitchen sink.
- Dry thoroughly and buff. You can use dry #0000 steel wool or The Victorian House Silver Plus cloth.